Monday, December 19, 2016

Genre Film Reflection

In this film, we attempted the subversion of the road film genre.  Some things worked out almost exactly as we envisioned but others gave us a bit more trouble. For example, we struggled a lot with sound because we couldn't figure out how to minimize background audio, especially in the pottery room. If I were to do this project again, I would definitely make sure to place a greater emphasis on making sure the sound was clear and pleasant to listen to. In addition, I felt that maybe the film was lacking in camera movements. I really like how the reverse tracking shot looked, and I felt that perhaps movements could have been used to further enhance. 

On the other hand, I really liked how the composition turned out and the way color correction enhanced the feel of the different scenes. For example, the bleach bypass made the initial scene appear more bleak, which was helpful in creating a somber mood. Later, in the field, a warmer color correction was useful in suggesting more hope for Neena. I also liked how the voiceovers sounded and it worked really well with the purpose of the road film since the viewer can directly listen to Neena's progress as character. Overall, the film was successful, but there were definitely a few places where we could have taken more time to better it. 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Production Check 3

While Ali and Shay got the location release on the bowling alley and focused on that scene, I've been thinking about how to make the car scene doable.

Initially, I had an idea that the two cars would pass each other in a heavy traffic situation, but that is impossible to shoot with the experience and equipment we have. I thought of several alternatives that I'm going to pass on to the group.

First, I was thinking we could film in a relatively remote location like we did in Ariel's scene. While this is different than what we initially had in mind, it is also a pretty acceptable alternative and would perhaps even emphasize the closeness between the two friends if we showed their two cars alone on the road.
And to capture Jonah's emotions, we could use shots similar what we used with Ariel and shot from behind Jonah to show his perspective in seeing June drive away, upset. I am not entirely sure what the original plan was to be because it really wasn't practical, but if Ali and Shay are okay, I think that this would also be a great way to capture the essence of the conflict between Jonah and June that would lead to the climax at the bowling alley.

We understand that we have fallen behind schedule due to some of our schedules and the actors' schedules, but we are hoping to get a lot done this weekend and see how our film shapes up.