Sunday, August 28, 2016

Themes In Conceptual Film

A theme in art is a message or a thread that connects the images the artists present in order to convey meaning. A theme presents a perspective through which it views the world. Below are the three perspectives I personally want to explore this year.

One of the themes that interested me the most was the one titled "Looking Inward: The Human Experience". This theme was the most fascinating to me, as it emphasizes that our inherent human nature makes us more similar than we think, despite vastly different upbringings, culture, or life experiences. This is because we all experience the broad life cycle the same: we start as helpless children, grow into adolescents, and fall into adulthood and decline and pass away. I want to explore the way in which our human nature allows us to connect and embrace each other and allows us to look beyond superficial differences.

On the other hand, I am also interested in the uniqueness of each individual experience. To portray individual experience, I want to experiment with parallelism by telling two stories through alternating shots of each story. I am not yet sure if I want to explore the distinction between two lives, two cultures, etc. but I am interested in this difference. By showing the sharp distinction of the same routine, I hope to convey the message that each story follows the same pattern but is riddled with unique differences characteristic of only that person, culture, etc.

The last separate theme I'm interested in stems from the reading on iconoclasm. The rejection of images and idols bears the question of what do images signify that they extract such a violent act of destruction. I want to draw upon the idea of the meaning an association gives to an idol or image and why that association elicits such strong reactions. Furthermore, I want to explore the inherent worth of objects. I hope to explore whether we, as humans, can get caught in a trap of giving inherent worth to objects and whether we can value them independent of any other idea.

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